Just off Benson’s main business strip sat a 70-year-old warehouse stained by oil and filled with dust. This warehouse now occupies TACK architects, who purchased the site after growing six years in a startup incubator in Omaha’s north downtown. The move not only shows maturation of the company, but also another stride for Benson, the local neighborhood. TACK architects brings a professional office hub to what largely has become an entertainment-centric commercial area, and provides steady daytime activity to the location to spur stability. This is done through the restoration and design of the building which is achieved through minimalist adaptations of the existing structure. These design decisions result in a contemporary space that references the industrial programs of the building’s historic past.
AIA Central States Region
Excellence in Design Award
© 2024 TACKarchitects
2922 N. 61st Street, Studio 1 Omaha NE, 68104 • 402.505.9778 • info@tackarch.com